Wednesday, December 29, 2004

When The Lights Go Down in the City...

It's been raining here in Long Beach since Monday. But that's okay - I like it.

Last night, however, we got hit by a weak tornado that ripped out trees like crazy. Many came down near our neighborhood and we also lost power for about 3 hours.

It was strange, though. I was asleep when this all happened but was awakened by Ann poking me and saying, "We lost power." But it's not like we were watching TV or anything. It happened about 12am or so, and I noticed it back on at 3am. Of course, Anthony slept through it all.

We figured something was going on. Our cat Ozzie, who recently decided not to sleep in the bed with us, suddenly decided to join us shortly after this happened. They always seem to know...

Here are some of the fallen trees:

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I also noticed that Heartwell Golf Course was closed because the tornado had ripped off the nets on the driving range, as well as uprooting one of the wooden poles.

The plus side of all this?

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A really cool rainbow.

More rain's a-comin', too.

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