Thursday, June 23, 2005

My Uncle, The Author

If you've been here before, that title might sound familiar.

My Uncle Lupe had told me months ago that he was in the process of having one of his books published--finally. He mentioned it to me only once and that was it, and he never got back to me about when it was going to be published.

Uncle Lupe's hard to get a hold of most of the time. He always has been, but that's what makes him who he is. Regardless, it's that kind of mystery that makes me love the guy to death.

Anyway, his project dawned on me today while at work. So I did some digging and came across his book, Cut Flowers, at

I had trouble at first because he used the name Lou instead of Lupe. That's so like him. And if you despise shopping at Amazon, here's a list of other booksellers carrying it. You can also visit his website, as tiny as it may be.

I'm damn proud of Uncle Lupe for being persistent in getting this published, and I wish him much success in his future writing endeavours.

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